
Feeling lost? Here are all the pages of the Sanctuary broken down into categories:
[login] This is where you log into your free WitchSanctuary Mail account
[sign up] here if you don't already have an account, great for anonymous pagan correspondances!
[witches] Who witches are in general terms, some history, and the killing of some stereotypes
[beliefs] More specific about our beliefs, the Lord and the Lady, how it all comes together
[ethics] Some common ethical laws, and several 'official' principles and resolutions
[wicca] An article by Amber K (published with permission), that outlines the wiccan faith
[celebrations] Our special days of celebrations, information about the Sabbats
[bookstore] Support the Sanctuary and buy books at our own store!
[reviews] Or read our reviews first
[herbal] treats to try!
[healing] A bit about healing and more specificly the chakras
[elements] The elements presented with info and correspondances
[vocab] Paganism has its own language almost, still your curiosity here!
[correspondances] Candle color and incence/fragrance correspondances
[writing spells] We do not publish spells here, but this is an excellent article about spellconstruction by Darkstar (published with permission)
[affirmations] A who, how, and why guide to affirmations, a way to make positive changes in your life
[meditation] A guide to meditation and visualisation with several exercises
[divination] Explanation of some forms of divination and a guide to Stone Reading
[ww&p forum] The Sanctuary is a community website at the Wicca Witchcraft and Paganism Community Forum, and Webmistress WolfStar is honered to be a moderator there. If you want to chit-chat or ask a question, this is the place!
[related links] Our HUGE collection of pagan links to great personal websites, organisations, stores etc.
[rings] Some webrings the Sanctuary is a member of
[dragon] Our very own Dragon Aisling...
The webmistress Would be happy to hear of your queries or comments.