Index of our this and that

Here is where we gather the this and that which doesn't fit in any of the other categories. This is also where you can read about things comming up later on and see what's new.

the Ring Page
Webrings that the Witch Sanctuary is a proud member of

Related Links
Our HUGE collection of related links! A must visit that is constantly updated.

the Message board
Make yourself heard and make friends.

Spell Guide
NEW Darkstar tells us all about how to best write ones own spells. Couldn't have put it better myself!.

the Correspondance Guide
NEW When to use what? Candle colors and incence fragrances.

the Sanctuary bookstore
NEW The store is constantly evolving! Check back regularly!

the Meditation Guide
soon to come! Learn the ways of entering your own alpha state!

If you would like to put a link to this site on your own, feel free to use this banner!

The webmistress would be happy to hear of your queries or comments.
